February 3, 2011

Unofficially on the roof eating cake!

Welcome to the unofficial launch of "On the roof eating cake"! This is a blog of two sisters called Jess and Jack who live on opposite sides of the world who love food. On the roof eating cake is where we'll share meals with each other as well as family and friends. It still needs a lot of work in the design department, so watch out for a new design coming soon. Being the first day of Chinese New Year, I'd like to wish everyone Gong Hei Fat Choy! (Below is my latest interest, Chinese paper cutting, what better time to start than just in time for CNY!)

1 comment:

  1. Gong hei fat choi!!! The blog looks great Jack. Can't wait to see how it evolves - I love the Jack's Snacks post. There's LOTS of material for future ones. Looks like I'll have to brush up on my "food porn" photography ;-)
