February 4, 2011

Jack Snacks!... Sakuranbo Cherry Candy

During lunchtime one day this week, my friend discovered that I had never tasted UHA's Sakuranbo Cherry Candy. So I was treated to my first ever taste of this candy. It's got a nice cherry taste, kind of like eating a cherry soft drink in lolly form. I like it! Why hadn't we met before?

Cherry candy, where have you been all my life?
What: UHA's Sakuranbo Cherry Candy
Where: At asian shops that stock Japanese lollies. This one came from Citisuper in the city.
How much: Oops, I can't remember as I didn't pay for this one, I'll find out next time I eat it!

1 comment:

  1. There are 3 favors: Cherry / Melon Soda / Raspberry
